ahead of his time

for further information regarding this blog please refer
to the first post 'an introduction ...'. thank you.

to make some semblance of sense from these rantings of a lonely,
naive, idealistic, cynical adolescent you should start at the bottom
and work up - if you can be bothered making the effort.
alternatively you can use the archive on the left.
thank you.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

day seventy five

this is a pointless piece of stuff that i am writing just for the sake of writing in order that i will finish this sooner and the book will therefore be over much quicker but then again it might not be over much quicker because i might in fact write more and if i write more it will in fact take longer to finish than if i write less all of which makes perfect sense to me but because you are an illogical brainless stupid moronic piece of flea powder organic decomposable waste product it would be a very hard concept for you to comprehend and therefore you do not know what the fuck i am going on about so shut up and go to your little hovel you call home and extract some possum turd from your foot