ahead of his time

for further information regarding this blog please refer
to the first post 'an introduction ...'. thank you.

to make some semblance of sense from these rantings of a lonely,
naive, idealistic, cynical adolescent you should start at the bottom
and work up - if you can be bothered making the effort.
alternatively you can use the archive on the left.
thank you.

Friday, May 19, 2006

day forty nine

did you find a conclusive answer to my question you did not what do you mean that the question was incomplete i thought it was quite obvious what was meant by it i mean when one asks why you give an answer and in this case the answer given should have been something along the lines of this the metaphysical reasoning behind the cerebral cortex only enhances the effect of the bright fractels while the cyclohalix configuration on the inner micropinocytic body not only reduces but also amplifies the electronic hues of the biomechanic sclerenchyma on the small but increasing cheesy mandelbrots which are in fact loaves of bread named in memory of nelson mandala but the crux of the answer concerns the biochemical compoundation of the minute follicle stimulating growth beads and their use in the makeup industry where it is assumed that the particles are in fact used in the manufacture of spare body parts such as aorta valves and renal capacitators and cellular antipedalism molecules and of course cephalocerebrospinaltorax protein for essential body metabolism processes or if you were really intelligent which you obviously are not otherwise you would have realised that the question was actually finished and you did not therefore making you the most unintelligent inarticulate ignorant moronic abiotic imaginary living thing that has ever existed on the face of this of this of this ah computer screen yes but if you were really intelligent and we have just proven that you are not by any means the answer you would have given would have been because