ahead of his time

for further information regarding this blog please refer
to the first post 'an introduction ...'. thank you.

to make some semblance of sense from these rantings of a lonely,
naive, idealistic, cynical adolescent you should start at the bottom
and work up - if you can be bothered making the effort.
alternatively you can use the archive on the left.
thank you.

Friday, May 05, 2006

day thirty five

i have decided to go into politics because it looks like a cruisy job you only work three days a week charge everything up to the tax payers get a whole lot of perks when the rest of the country gets none give yourself twenty per cent pay increases each year when the rest of the country are not likely to get even two per cent have a massive holiday over christmas or more correctly over summer and best still fuck the country so badly that it will take successive governments to fix all your cock ups and of course they will at the same time be making their own cock ups but that is government for you i say never trust the word of a politician except mine of course because i always tell the truth as you can tell from reading this here book so vote for me vote anarchy because only true anarchy can save us the world did alright before politicians and the bourgeois and it can survive without them so next election vote for me dranew lapmer the saviour of politics and radio stations and other stuff vote anarchy for a better world because to borrow a phrase we can rule as badly as they can and the world would be all the better for it fuck the government ps i just discovered that my poetic skills can make themselves known even when i am not looking example my election campaign slogan vote for me vote anarchy rhymes you know each line is three syllables i will explain syllables later dilbert you dickhead and me and anarchy rhyme oh you know rhyme do you dilbert well i will not explain it later dickhead