ahead of his time

for further information regarding this blog please refer
to the first post 'an introduction ...'. thank you.

to make some semblance of sense from these rantings of a lonely,
naive, idealistic, cynical adolescent you should start at the bottom
and work up - if you can be bothered making the effort.
alternatively you can use the archive on the left.
thank you.

Monday, July 10, 2006

day ninety eight

Apparently the Israelis have discovered a link between myopia and high intelligence. Something everyone has known about for years, but these guys have proved it statistically. But they can not explain this link. I can. It is because you can not be perfect. You can not have good looks, artistic talent, intelligence, athletic skill, wit perfect sight. Perfection just is not allowed. Look at me, I am as near perfect as you can get but the bastards would not let me be totally perfect so they fucked up my eyes for me. What wankers.

ps i am sick of writing semi-unintelligible drivel which takes hours to understand properly so i have started using proper punctuation etc as you should have noticed if you are in the lest bit myopic