ahead of his time

for further information regarding this blog please refer
to the first post 'an introduction ...'. thank you.

to make some semblance of sense from these rantings of a lonely,
naive, idealistic, cynical adolescent you should start at the bottom
and work up - if you can be bothered making the effort.
alternatively you can use the archive on the left.
thank you.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

day thirty six

go away i do not want to speak to you today because you disappointed me with what you did yesterday and now we are not on speaking terms because you are a little cheating lying deviant what was that how can you say you did not do it on purpose you walked in to the place and looked on all the shelves and then walked out with it under your arm and you dare to say that you did not do it on purpose how dare you insult my intelligence like that how dare you buy one of those filthy magazines what ever made you do it i mean buying a copy of the personal investor and a copy of the economist it is truly disgusting and sick and perverted and unlawful and warped and offensive and vulgar i just do not know what could drive you to commit such a crime i really do not so i am not talking to you so go away