ahead of his time

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to the first post 'an introduction ...'. thank you.

to make some semblance of sense from these rantings of a lonely,
naive, idealistic, cynical adolescent you should start at the bottom
and work up - if you can be bothered making the effort.
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thank you.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

day thirty nine

i discovered something really interesting today it appears that i am the only blind person in the whole history of blind people right back to the very first blind person who can see is that not really amazing the guiness book people are flying over to see me they arrive tomorrow and they will do some tests and then if all is well we will do a photo shoot so it should be quite a fun entertaining sort of day hopefully what was that your mate the one you meet at the pub he was blind but now he can see yeah well that happens but what are you doing at the pub anyway you are not old enough to go to the pub i mean you only exist in this bloody computer you can not even move so how do you get to the bloody pub son oh i see it was a sort of hypothetical question phrased more as a statement rather than a question involving the fact that there have been recorded cases of blind people gaining their sight through either science or miracle yes i agree but they were blind and could not see now that they can see they are no longer blind whereas myself i am blind and can see that is the great difference between myself and these other people who are or have been blind what are you saying that because i can see i am not blind where did you get that ridiculous notion from oh i see the encyclopedia britannica well they tell lies because i am blind believe me after all i am going to be a politician and we politicians never lie do we you cheeky bugger how dare you say that politicians lie all the time you better watch yourself sonny or soon you will be getting a visit from my hand right up your bloody hard disk anyway we will let the guiness people decide whether i am blind or not and ignore that namby pamby thing you call an encyclopedia what right do they have to dispute my handicap my uniqueness my blindness absolutely bloody none after all they are only british what have they ever done for us here in new zealand absolutely bloody nothing that is right by the way as well as being an anarchist i am also a fervent anti royalist but i suppose you have to be do you not even though i was anti royal before i became pro anarchy but never mind about all that as i said before i am blind and i can see and that makes me the only person in the whole history of this planet to ever have this unique ability and therefore i am better then the rest of you even all you anti bourgeois proletariate working class people who are going to vote me into power come nineteen ninety three but then we could not have someone going into politics whose socioeconomic background and status and all that is actually lower than that of the people he or she god forbid is representing in parliament that is just not done but forget all that fucking political stuff for time being i am blind and you are not otherwise you would not be reading this bloody book